Sewing machines use to intimidate me so much, but I am working my way through that fear. The quilter and the embroidery machines are less like sewing machines and more like computers. I can handle that. We have several projects going right now. We are about to list our first 2 quilts for sale, pieced by the Wanderers aunt, quilted by us. It is a family endeavor. We just finished a super secret project. A man commissioned us to make a labyrinth quilt as a present for his wife. He presented it to her on their 1st wedding anniversary. How unbelievably sweet. It took the Wanderer and me about 4 hours at the quilter to get this quilted. His mom did all the cutting and piecing on this while I was with my sister on our East Coast Tour of Pilot Truck Stops.
For over a year we worked on collecting T-Shirts from the high school we both graduated from. We turned them into an epic T-Shirt quilt which we donated to the band to use as a fundraiser. We were both band kids, so we know first hand the struggle that bands go through to get adequate funding.
We really enjoy working together on these projects. Homesteading as brought us closer together as a couple. Quilting has brought us closer.