I struggled to learn how to read. I have dyslexia. In 3rd grade, I found the perfect combination of a passionate Learning Disability teacher and a wonderful Literature teacher. Between the two of them, I finally learned to read, and caught a passion that continues to this day. I am rarely without a book. Currently, my interests are in books that further the podcast, and our homesteading journey. On my nightstand, you will find Social Media Marketing, Podcasting Bible, The Anatomy of Motive, right next to copies of the Foxfire books.
Full disclosure, I don't have an Amazon Affiliate account, and none of these links are Affiliate links.

Living in the Appalachian Forest by Chris Bolgiano
Appalachian is one of the most diverse temperate forests in the world and it is also my home. I was born and raised in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Kentucky. In this book, the author explores sustainability in the use of our natural resources by interviewing those in the logging and mining industry.
Appalachian Farming Life by Mary B. LaLone
This is a delightful student lead research project that captured stories and oral traditions of farming communities in the New River Valley area of Virginia.
Let's face is, sustainability, permaculture, self-sufficiency are buzz words to describe what indigenous cultures have been doing for eternity. Holthaus spend 25 years living in an indigenous community in Alaska. His book is well rounded drawing for multiple sources to provide a thought provoking reading on what it means to be sustainable in the modern world and why the modern mindset doesn't work long term.
Five Acres and Independence by Maurice Grenville Kains
At least once a day on the numerous homesteading pages I belong to someone asked the question "How many acres do I need to homestead. How many acres do I need to live self sufficiently?" This book helps answer that question and provides the reader with tips, techniques, and advice on assessing your land, making improvements and making strides toward independence. This book is old, originally written in the 30's and 40's, much of the book advice was real life tested on Mr. Kains' farm. This is a gem.