Several cars in this area became trapped in flood water, and while thankfully no one died as a result I cannot let this issue go without giving a warning. Don't drive through flood water, you have no guarantee that the road under the water is still intact. A swift current can easier push your car off the road and into deeper water. That very thing happened to my great uncle last spring. He was driving home after having spent the night at the hospital with his ailing wife. He was tired, and that clouded his judgement. He drove across a flooded bridge. The water pushed his car off the bridge and several yards down stream. It took rescuers days before they found him. Its not worth the risk, turn around and wait until the water has receded. I also have friends who are swift water rescuers, don't make them risk their lives to save yours.
Warnings an gloom aside my sister finally convinced me to start selling my hair pins and accessories on Etsy. I may include vintage items also, I am a collector/hoarder, and its past time I pair down and part with some items.