Friday, March 04, 2016

Spring is in the air!

Spring is right around the corner here on the Wandering Wonderful homestead. We are debating what the next move in our journey should be. Do we want to invest in some unusual chicken breeds? Is this the year we finally get sheep and fiber rabbits? Or do we maintain status quo for the year? Big decissions.

We have had a lot of luck selling our hatching eggs on Ebay. I have also decided to list complete sets of Civil War hair accouterments on my Etsy page.

We plan on growing miniature Indian pop corn this year, mainly because the parrots are in love with it and think it is the greatest treat ever.

But probably the biggest news is this, my sister and I have decided to launch a podcast. April 4th the Haunted Family Podcast will have its debut episode. We are super excited and super busy hammering out the fine details of this podcast. More details and our web address will be posted soon! But for now join us on our Facebook page!