We were supposed to take this leap last year, but things got in the way (sewing shop and the rental house needed new roofs). This year we are finally doing it. Bee supplies have already been ordered, we are on a waiting list for bees from a local source and the ol farm truck is loaded down with lumber we will use to build our stands. Yep, we are building our own beehives. We hope to bring you along for the journey through pictures and maybe a few videos on youtube.

We are also hoping to add a homemade wax based thread conditioner to our etsy shop. We love good thread conditioner, but it is getting harder to find.
As I have mentioned before I do historical reenacting, the fresh, natural wax may come into play at some events. I would love to get into candle making.

I can't wait to bring you all along on this journey as we become beeks. My great great grandfather raised bees, one of my uncles use to raise bees, I feel as if I am carrying on a family tradition and helping save some pretty important pollinators.