If you live in Missouri, your public library is being threatened. Under the current approved budget Public Libraries in the state were allocated $6.6 million. Governor Nixon has only released a fraction of that, $724,000. He proposes to cut the budget next year to $724,000 for Public Libraries. Lets do a little math, there are 6.06 Million people residing in the Show Me state, with a budget of $6.6 Million, each person is paying $1.10 per year for access to a public library. A buck and change for unlimited access to books, media, special collections, lectures, etc. Most libraries offer computer and internet access to those who cannot afford a computer of their own. I am a proud and vocal supporter of the Public Library system. I am lucky to live in a town with an amazing library staffed by knowledgeable and passionate people. Here is in my opinion the 5 best Public libraries in the US.
5. McAllen Public Library, McAllen, Texas
McAllen Public Library takes pride in providing resources that help young minds grown. Their Tumblebooks E-book library offers read-a-longs, interactive games, quizzes, and puzzles, designed to strengthen reading comprehension. They offer homework help for all grade levels, and special college preparatory programs for high school students. The main branch offer's access to 128 computers. Best thing about McAllen Public Library? Their main branch is located in an old Walmart. This town took an eyesore of consumer excess and created something grand.

You have probably seen pictures of the Central library floating around the interwebs, on lists of unique or unusual buildings. The Community Bookshelf, spines of 22 books ranging from Goodnight Moon to Catch-22 dominate the parking garages south wall. The books were chosen by Kansas City residents. ESL and community Spanish classes are offered, in addition to career workshops, movie nights, E-books and digital media. You can even use the library as a venue for your wedding and reception.
3D printing has the world intrigued. By joining a Techconnect class at the Carnegie Library you can learn how use this amazing new technology. Instructors will show you how to design and print 3D projects, free of charge thanks to a special grant the library received. In addition to books, the library offers a variety of classes, research tools and cultural events.
You may not think of the Library of Congress when you think of public libraries, but it is America's library. A place to not only preserve our history, but a place to inspire the creativity of a nation. The library houses not only the Congressional Research Service, but the Copyright office, Folklife Center and the nations law library. Special events, concerts, lectures and exhibits makes this Library one of the best. But what in my mind is tops?
1. Your local library,
If its been a few years since you last visited your public library I suggest you go, soon. Join the email list, and discover all the exciting opportunities your library has to offer. I have a friend whose children attend weekly music lessons at her local library. My library brings in guest speakers, authors and performers from Kentucky Chautauqua.