tow truck that had pulled into its path. It would end up being the worse school bus disaster in US history. A record we all hope is never broken. Of the 49 passengers on Bus 27 that day only 22 would make it off the bus alive. Floyd county didn't have a rescue squad at the time, divers from the US Navy searched the swollen current of the Big Sandy River. It took 3 days to find the bus and haul it out of the muddy river. It took even longer, 40 days, before the body of the last child, 13 year old Katie Jarrell of Sugar Loaf would be recovered. She was found 7 miles downstream.
Three Families lost all of their children that cold February morning. The family friend was at the back of the bus, he was one of the first off, and helped pull others to safety. In a matter of a few short minutes the bus went under. Survivors recall seeing the hands and arms of their friends and classmates sticking from the bus windows as it went under. The swift current of the flooded river swept the bus 250 yards from the point it entered the water. This was the very worst thing.
As a result of this tragedy Floyd countians formed together to build a rescue squad, they train swift water rescuers. While we all hope a disaster like this never happens again, Floyd county has prepared themselves.
Many schools in this area have missed 2 weeks as a result of the snow and ice storm. Schools have started using online resources so students don’t fall behind while out for weather. We don’t take chances with the safety of students.
Doris Faye Burchett, 15, of Emma
James Edison Carey, 9, of Emma
Glenda May Cisco, 17, of Sugar Loaf,
Kenneth Forest Cisco, 14, of Sugar Loaf
Sandra Faye Cline, 8, of Lancer
Paulette Cline, 9, of Lancer
Imogene Darby, 17, of Cow Creek
Linda Darby, 14 of Cow Creek
John Alex DeRossett, 17, of Water Gap
James Edward Goble, 12, of Emma
John Spencer Goble, 11, of Emma
Anna Laura Goble, 9, of Emma
Jane Carol Harris, 14, of Emma
John Harlan Hughes Jr., 13, of Emma
Margaret Louise Hunt, 15, of Cow Creek
Bucky Ray Jarrell, 14, of Sugar Loaf
Katie Carol Jarrell, 13, of Sugar Loaf
Marcella Jervis, 14, of Emma
Montaine Jervis, 15, of Endicott
Thomas Roosevelt Jervis, 13, of Buffalo Creek
Katherine Justice, 15, of Endicott
Nannie Joyce McPeek, 17, of Lancer
Joyce Ann Matney, 14, of Lancer
Rita Cheryl Matney, 8, of Lancer
James L. Meade Jr., 9, of Lancer
James Thomas Ousley, 15, of Lancer
Randy Scott Wallen, 17, of Lancer