I stumbled upon her blog by strange twist of chance. I was a regular poster on a message board. We were discussing creating less household waste. The topic of reusable toilet paper came up, and I went on a mission to discover if reusable toilet paper was a thing. The is how I met the Happy Janssens, at the time they traveled full time on the road with their 2 lovely daughters. Now upgraded to 3 cute little girlies they limit their travel to part time. Currently the Jassens reside at Nesting Gypsy where you can follow renovations to their Colorado mountain home. Matt is amazing at home and RV remodeling, and Sara has strong style.

The Happy Janssens blog introduced me to Sparkling Adventures I have followed Lauren and her family on their journey across Australia, New Zealand and Europe in a small housebus. Life isn't always sparkling for this single momma. She provides a raw, up-close glimpse of her personal tragedy, including the unexpected death of her only son and the imprisonment of her husband.

The Janssens sold one of their old rigs to the Maison family who embarked on an Eco Womb tour of the US fueled by Love, Peace, and Veggie Grease.
I would love to say the Wanderer latched on to the idea of travel and freedom easily. But like gardening and homesteading he was slow to come around. Now we are actively planning for our own adventure and to finally start living the life we want to live. Its never to late to run away from home and become a gypsy.